You love your best friend, your mom, playing soccer, maybe you love going to the beach or maybe you love pizza or noodles for your favorite snack. All of that could be true – we can love a lot of people, things or places, but it doesn’t always mean the same thing.
If you love pizza it's because you enjoy it, how it makes you feel – and it fills you up. You love it for what it gives you.
Sometimes we love people for the same reason – because of what they can give us, or how they make us feel – but is that true love? And what even is true love? Where can you find it – where does it come from?
We can look a lot of places, and try to love in a lot of different ways, but the best way to find true love is to go the source, the original, the first love.
God’s Word tells us that he is love and he is truth – God’s love is True Love.
Well that was easy!
But is it?
God tells us and shows us that his love is patient, kind, free, and for everyone without condition, and it’s sacrifice – God loves with what he can give, not for what he can get. Do you love your friends, or family, like you love pizza or noodles – for what they give you, and how they make you feel? Or is love something you give, expecting nothing in return?
Camp is also non-stop fun!
This year's costume & activities theme is

Remember all the fun you had as a kid?
What was your favourite toy growing up?

Relive all those fun times this summer, with our TOY themed activities and dress up as your favourite toy in our costume contest!
Need more reasons to come? Keep scrolling!
speaker update: our guest, Anthony Scarcello, unfortunatley cannot
be with us this year for youth camp, so we are pleased to announce that our good friend Mandela Nsenga is now able to join us as our special guest!

Meet Mandela, born in Kenya, to Rwandan parents. Mandela’s father died in a civil war in Rwanda, leaving him with his mother, a woman of great faith who believed God would bring their family to Canada one day. In 1993, Mandela’s family entered Canada and he grew up in Ontario for the next 10 years before moving to BC as a teen. Mandela struggled in his teen years with addiction and a serious crisis in identity that led him to Jesus Christ, and His love and mercy. God put a burden on Mandela to preach the gospel and study His word. He started a family with his wife, Alex, and served as Youth and Young Adults Pastor at Riverside Community Church for 7 years until 2024. Today they have a son and daughter and continue to spread the message of Jesus Christ together. Mandela is completing a Masters degree in theology and preaching the gospel in various places through his podcast, church, and various arenas around the globe.

camp tees
your choice from this year's styles


Light Blue


Both styles are available in two colours.
True Love in dark blue or black, and
1Cor16:14 is available in light blue or white.
Our Team.
Youth Camp has an amazing staff of volunteers and youth pastors dedicated to making your week the best it can be - in every way. Our staff, counselors and interns are working to make sure you will have a fun, safe and meaningful week with your friends and youth leaders. Here are some of those people that you can count on:

Jaki Leckman
Head Counselor
Tawny Douglas
Intern Director, Hospitality
Matthew Crowell
Morning Sessions &
Assistant Director

Keaton Roberts
Head Counselor & Worship Leader

Mandela Nsenga

Richard Liggins
Camp Director

Victoria Williams
Activities Director

Cheryl Liggins
Candy Cabin, Hospitality
Contact Us
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